
I have two computers in my house: one is for work and the other is personal. Normally, I use the work computer for most of the days when I am at home. When I have personal work, which has been rare lately ~and please, send me paid work!~, I boot up my personal computer. However, today, with all the effort in thinking back, I could not remember my login password. I run endeavour OS which is an Arch Linux based distribution. I could not use the root user because clearly, that’s unlocked with this forgotten password. I will show you how I changed my password using a live installation USB of endeavour OS and chroot.


  • Live installation USB or disc of the distribution you’re running.


Load the live disc and open up a terminal

This is like a normal install. However, we are only interested in having a terminal we can use on the same machine.

Create a temporary location and mount it on any of your sd*

Now, before you start doing this, you have to be the root user. So use the sudo su command to do it:

[root@liveusb liveuser]# sudo su

Next, you want to create a folder /mnt/arch and this is what you will mount to your disks:

[root@liveusb liveuser]# mkdir /mnt/arch

List all your disks. Here, I took a gamble and mounted in my sda1 then sda2. The reason is I wanted to ensure that when I list all the files, I have the following output:

[root@liveusb liveuser]# lsblk
sda sda1 sda2

[root@liveusb liveuser]# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/arch
[root@liveusb liveuser]# cd /mnt/arch
[root@liveusb arch]# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var

Next you want to mount a bunch of other locations on the disk:

[root@liveusb arch]# mount -t proc proc proc/
[root@liveusb arch]# mount -t sysfs sys sys/
[root@liveusb arch]# mount -o bind /dev dev/
[root@liveusb arch]# mount -t devpts pts dev/pts/

Lastly, you use chroot. This takes you to the root location. You’ve access to the command passwd and you will pass in the user you want to change the password for:

[root@liveusb arch]# chroot /mnt/arch/ /usr/bin/bash
[root@liveusb /]#

If you don’t know the user, then you can check the users you have if they have passwords:

[root@liveusb /]# cat /etc/shadow

Lastly, we change the password for the user:

[root@liveusb /]# passwd yourusername
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully
[root@liveusb /]#

Your password is updated. Shut down the computer, remove the live installation USB or disc. Power on, log in with your user and the password you just set.


We have seen how to change the password for a linux user when we have a live USB or disc and the chroot command.