
Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) are a way to extende Kubernetes objects and use the new object for better management of K8s.

K8s has resources like Pods and Deployment that come out of box. When you want specialized management, you want to create your own resources and define how to use them in K8s. This is where CRDs come in. The possibilities are many and you will learn how to get started.


  • Go knowledge. We will be writing golang code. Install the necessary tools to develop in it.
  • Kubernetes. We will need a cluster. You can have one in the cloud or use a tool like kind to create a local cluster.
  • Docker. Install docker desktop to get K8s out of the box.

Prepare local development environment

Step 1: Verify your cluster exists

You will query the cluster for the nodes using kubectl command:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                            STATUS   ROLES   AGE   VERSION
aks-lp03b-20242036-vmss000000   Ready    agent   19d   v1.28.5
aks-lp03b-20242036-vmss000001   Ready    agent   19d   v1.28.5
aks-lp03b-20242036-vmss000002   Ready    agent   19d   v1.28.5
akswp03b000000                  Ready    agent   19d   v1.28.5
akswp03b000001                  Ready    agent   19d   v1.28.5
akswp03b000002                  Ready    agent   19d   v1.28.5

My cluster has 6 nodes, 3 linux and 3 windows.

Step 2: Setup local repo

This repo will have the k8s manifest files for our resources and custom controller code that will handle watching for changes on our resource.

We will create a resource named Hello that will take a message and output a greeting. We will then update this message using kubectl and log the change in the custom controller.

Create a project structure like this:

├── cmd
│   └── main.go         # entry point of the custom controller
├── go.mod
├── manifests           # k8s manifest files
│   ├── hello-crd.yml   # defines the crd
│   └── hello.yaml      # defines the Hello resource
└── pkg                 # package specific code
    └── placeholder.txt

You can find the full project here.

Step 3: Create a namespace

This will enable us to have an easy time cleaning up later.

$ kubectl create namespace localusr-agents
namespace/localusr-agents created

$ kubectl get ns # checks the namespaces
NAME                  STATUS   AGE
kube-public           Active   19d
kube-system           Active   19d
localusr-agents       Active   45s

$ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=localusr-agents
# this changes to the created namespace
Context "localusr-admin" modified

Another advantage of using namespaces is limiting access to resources using service accounts and generally isolation of processes.

Steps to creating a CRD and a Resource

Step 1: Create a CRD

Open the manifests/hello-crd.yaml file and we now define our crd as follows:

kind: CustomResourceDefinition
    - name: v1
      served: true
      storage: true
          type: object
              type: object
                  type: string
  scope: Namespaced
    plural: hello
    singular: hello
    kind: Hello
      - hey

A few things to note when creating a CRD, the object and group are used when listing them i.e. <object>.<group>. So when we list the crd above, the output will have

Now, let us apply the CRD:

$ kubectl apply -f manifests/hello-crd.yml created

$ kubectl get crd
NAME                                                           CREATED AT
...                                              2024-04-09T15:43:20Z

Now, if we try to get resources of kind Hello, we should not find any.

$ kubectl get hello
No resources found in localusr-agents namespace.

This is good! All we have to do now is define a Hello resource and apply it.

Step 2: Define a Hello resource

Defining a resource for a CRD is done the same way you will do it for an out of the box resource.

Open the file manifests/hello.yaml and update it like this:

kind: Hello
  name: greetings
  message: "Hello, World!"

Go ahead and apply it:

$ kubectl apply -f manifests/hello.yaml created

We can now re-check the resource:

$ kubectl get hello
NAME        AGE
greetings   45s

$ kubectl describe hello greetings
Name:         greetings
Namespace:    localusr-agents
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Hello
  Creation Timestamp:  2024-04-09T15:50:05Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    8648908
  UID:                 f4474826-2846-478b-ad48-46861e176174
  Message:  Hello, World!
Events:     <none>

Perfect! As it is, you can leave it there. However, that was easy so we want to take control of our resource and define how we want to process things when we update values in it, when it is destroyed and many other scenarios that probably got you here.

Steps to creating a custom controller

Install the necessary helper go libraries

We will need common libraries to help us interact with the K8s API as well as our resource.

$ go get

The specific versions will be the latest releases of each library.

The custom controller that we are building will watch for changes in the Hello resources and log out the message we have in our spec.

Set up the controller

Get the config file file path

Open cmd/main.go and update the main function like this:

func main() {
    var kubecfg string
    // check the home directory exists and fill the path to the .kube/config
    if home := homedir.HomeDir(); home != "" {
        kubecfg = filepath.Join(home, ".kube", "config")

    fmt.Println(kubecfg) // should print path to .kube/config from you home dir

Running the above snippet should print path to .kube/config from you home dir:

$ go run cmd/main.go

Build the config

To build up the config, add the following lines:

// other code
// build the config from command line arguments
config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", kubecfg)

if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Using the config in the cluster")
    // an error occured while building from command line arguments. Try building
    // from the cluster environment variables and service account token.
    config, err = rest.InClusterConfig()
    if err != nil {

These lines of code will first try to build the config from command line flags, if the external .kube/config file wasn’t found, then it tries to get the configuration from environment variables and the service account token. If all that fails, the program panics as we have no config.

Now that we have a config, we need to setup a client to interact with the K8s API. We use the client-go/dynamic to create a dynamic client.

Setup a client

A dynamic client works with any resource type at runtime therefore it makes it a good option for working with CRDs or when we don’t know all the resource types our application will interact with in advance. If we have all that information, we can consider using a static client.

Add these lines of code:

// other lines of code
client, err := dynamic.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {

Define the CRD

Here we will use the information in the CRD spec above, where we get the API group and the name of the resource:

// other lines of code
helloResource := schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: "", Version: "v1", Resource: "hello"}

Setup an informer

Now, we need to have a loop, that will keep checking on our resource hello and informing us of any changes. It will also be useful to list resources.

Add these lines:

informer := cache.NewSharedIndexInformer(
    ListFunc: func(options v1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
        return client.Resource(helloResource).Namespace("").List(context.TODO(), options)
    WatchFunc: func(options v1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
        return client.Resource(helloResource).Namespace("").Watch(context.TODO(), options)

Setup an event handler

We will monitor three events on our resource: Add, Update and Delete.

For some organization, I will put all the event handler code in a new file in pkg/hello/handler.go. Create that file and add the code:

package hello

import (


type HelloEvent interface {
	AddEvent() func(obj interface{})
	UpdateEvent() func(obj interface{})
	DeleteEvent() func(obj interface{})

type HelloEventHandler struct{}

func (h HelloEventHandler) NewEvent() cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs {
	return cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
		AddFunc:    h.AddEvent(),
		UpdateFunc: h.UpdateEvent(),
		DeleteFunc: h.DeleteEvent(),

func (h HelloEventHandler) AddEvent() func(obj interface{}) {
	return func(obevj interface{}) {
		fmt.Println("Added a ", obevj)

func (h HelloEventHandler) UpdateEvent() func(oldobj, newobj interface{}) {
	return func(oldobj, newobj interface{}) {
		fmt.Println("Updated a ", oldobj, newobj)

func (h HelloEventHandler) DeleteEvent() func(obj interface{}) {
	return func(obevj interface{}) {
		fmt.Println("Deleted a ", obevj)

Now with this code, go back to the cmd/main.go file and create a HelloEventHandler which we will use to register an event handler with on the informer.

// other code
helloEventHandler := hello.HelloEventHandler{}


Run the informer

Now that everything is set, we are going to run the informer and use channels to communicate any issues or signals.

// other code
stop := make(chan struct{})
defer close(stop)

go informer.Run(stop)

if !cache.WaitForCacheSync(stop, informer.HasSynced) {
    panic("Timeout waiting for the cache to sync")

fmt.Println("Custom Resource Controller is running")


Run the controller

With all that in place, run the controller.

$ go run cmd/main.go
Added a  &{map[ kind:Hello ...
Custom Resource Controller is running

And we are up!

Running the controller is without making changes to the resources won’t have any visible changes.

Testing out our controller

Update the resource

We will update the manifests/hello.yaml file. We change the message to "Hello there, updated the resource".

kind: Hello
  name: greetings
  message: "Hello there, updated the resource"

Then run the update in a separate terminal using kubectl:

$ kubectl apply -f manifests/hello.yaml configured

Jump onto the terminal where the terminal is running and you will see something like this:

Updated a  &{map[ kind:Hello ...

The text Updated a shows us that the Update event in our pkg/hello/handler.go file was called.

Delete the resource

The same thing happens when we delete the Hello resource named greetings

$ kubectl delete hello greetings "greetings" deleted

And in the controller you see the deleted logs:

Deleted a  &{map[ kind:Hello ...

Cleaning up

We are going to delete the namespace that we created and get back to our initial state.

Deleting the namespace


$ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=default
Context "localusr-admin" modified.

$ kubectl delete ns localusr-agents
namespace "localusr-agents" deleted

Deploy my controller?

Yes you can deploy your controller into your cluster. Say for example your controller is used to clear pods that are not assigned, then you want to have your controller in the cluster running all through.

You can containerize your application and deploy it as a pod in your cluster. More on this on another article.


We have seen how to use CRDs to create custom resource definitions, then we have created our own resources and finally stringed up a custom controller that monitors our resources and reacts to how they change.

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