
Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source platforn for container orchestration, management, and scaling. It was developed by Google.

K8s is a popular solution for centralized management of containerized applications. You can manage thousands of containers as a single entity. It has rich tools and extensions that can be used to extend it’s functionality.

Features of k8s

K8s offers:

  1. Container orchestration. This means it will help to manage a container’s deployment, scaling, and operation. In some cases, scaling, and operation can be automated and triggered with different signals from the container operations.
  2. Load balancing. Providing network access to a group of pods.
  3. Resource utilization management. K8s scheduler will allow you to control the distribution of compute resources especially based on the isolations that you create. You can enforce resource quotas for pods that don’t specify resource limits, defining PDBs.
  4. Process isolation. K8s allows you to logically isolate teams and workloads using Namespaces. You can also use network policies to control the flow of traffic in and out of pods.
  5. Robust networking and security. K8s allows seamleass communication between containers and services. It packs role based access control(RBAC), secrets management, and network policies as part of this.